My First Coral??? Please Help!!!

So my mushrooms look a little off... I’m worried because the temp for some reason went up 3 or 4 degrees last night. The tank runs about 81 and this morning it was 85. The mushrooms looked a little dingy this morning and were not totally sucked into there stems like they have been most days. I’m also not sure that they came out fully during the day. They looked great the first week and know are starting to act differently. Please help me fix the situation... Thanks for all your comments...


Well-Known Member
Any idea why the temp went up? It seems odd that it went up at night.
Worse is if it continues to climb today. Corals do not like temp swings but shrooms are pretty forgiving. If you find and fix the temp problem they should be fine unless there is another issue. Did you test your water? Anything out of line other than the temp?