My Acan Is Not Opening!!!!

Does anyone know what the problem is? I have moved it all over the tank and it never opens. When I first bought the thing it was opened and beautiful. Now it has been 3 weeks and it hasn't opened up completely at all?

Any Suggestions?


i would put it in a lower flow area at the bottom of the tank, and leave it be for awhile. you could try spot feeding in the a.m. before lights on and see if it entises it to open up and feed. sorta new to acans myself, although i hope this works.

mr X

New Member
how long did you have it, just the 3 weeks?
where did you have it when it started to show symptoms of stress? what are your water parameters?
what lighting are you running, and how deep is your tank?
i'm not sure a low flow area is the solution.

i am not new to acans, and i've noticed that a small amount of detrius that has fallen into the polyps can cause a bacterial infection that can wipe out entire colonies. i believe that atleast moderate flow is essential to their long term survival.

also, lighting. many blast these corals with light when they only need moderate lighting. some of my colonies did better mostly shielded from direct light.
acclimation is the key to the lighting. you need to inspect the tank where you got them from and duplicate this intensity, atleast for a while. then you can gradually increase light if need be.
i've sold many acans to folks that now have them under high light and the polyps are about 1/3 the size and the colors have faded.