More than expected?


Anyone notice how, when you were younger, you wish to have a small fish bowl and a few nice fishes swimming around just to find that years later u have multiple full blown reef aquariums and dont know how to leave this addiction of countless money spending and constant nagging from significant others about where that money can go. Maybe to something better, like PAY THE BILLS or SAVINGS!!?

Lol i know it happened to me. I have 5 fish tanks in my room, 1 40g freshwater community, 1 20g bowfront planted, 20g reef, 72g reef (cycling) and a 20g turtle tank. I have another 55g bowfront in the garage and dont know what to do with that yet haha. Im not rich or anything so I know that comparing to some here on reefsanctuary, i dont have too many aquariums. To me and my small house, i think its alot, but i love it.

Hi, im Joseph, and im a Reefaholic.


Hello Joseph, im James and i have the same Issue as you! i started at the age of 15. my first tank was a 150 i stripped down and resealed. after which of setting up we had to move. in that proccess my mother broke the tank. after that i had omg... 45Tall, 45long acrylic, 55, 20, 30, 75deep, 125, now a 180 that includes a 40long and another tank... oh yes the 40 corner i inherited... yessir i feel your pain and know your adiction well. at 18 i attempted slightly illegal things in one tank. purely for experimental purposes. ditched the whole thing to failure and keep with fish and corals =-D


i plead the 5TH! but that was loooong ago. i preffer watching my lawn grow and fiddling with my garden now lol. i have learned though that skimmate is like miracle-grow on Crack! my corn loves it lol. just hope it doesnt affect flavor bleh!


Yea it's like how my yard swims without calcium guidance nor fish obeying it's law of activity. I think flavor turned out fine but when I mow my lawn, corn grows wildly and depletes my carbon pads. No really, I'm confuse with how u explained illegal