

My brother just called and told me about the week long diving trip he had off the coast of California. :drooool:

It was a traing class on how to identify classes of fish. ...:read:

He ask me if I heard of a Sunfish. they are also called a Mola....

I didn' he sent me a link...

He told me he swam with a herd of these and they are bigger than you think:smack:

Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola) Photographs, Phillip Colla Natural History Photography

Wish I had the money to go with him....I think I'm jealous


Well-Known Member
Mola-Mola...Ugly suckers...and HUGE! I've seen a couple of them while fishing near the Farallon Islands, (pretty uncommon up this far north) and several in the waters off Hawaii. Monterey Bay Aquarium used to have a couple in their "Outer Bay Experience" tank, but I haven't been there in about 4 years, so I don't know if they are still there or not...


WOW. they are my favorite!!!
Just came back from the galapagos aggressor and we could not dive isabela where they'd been seen..they are amazing creatures!