Moisture Question


So I have a 75 gallon reef tank in my living room. We think we may be having a moisture problem. Does anyone know if a 75 gallon tank could be letting a substantial amount of moisture in the air in our house? Let me know what you guys think or know about this. Thanks.:sinking:
I know I lose about a gallon a day due to evaporation. I'm sure it does add some moisture to the air. I know that sometimes when I sleep at my girlfriends apartment in the winter I wake up with dry skin on my face. At my apartment I don't have this problem. I also often wondered if my reef tank kinda works as a humidifier. I'm sure it's possible especially in very enclosed areas.


Active Member
How much water do you need to top off every day? That should give you an indication of how much moisture you're putting into the room/house. Evaporation will depend on if you have an open top or closed top, how much water movement is at the surface, ambient humidity of the room, etc.....


So we bought a dehumidifier last night and we placed it right near our tank. When we woke up the water tank in the machine was totally full. So And if you just looked at the tank you woulnt think that it had lost any water. It is though and over time its a significant amount. We have had our tank for about 8 years now. Hmmmm....


Active Member
Not a good idea to place it near the tank - you end up removing moisture in the room & speed up the evaporation process.
I have a 75 gallon tank and I live in a 1000sqft condo. I add about 5 gallons of RO water to my tank every week. I haven't really noticed that the air seems more moist. But the way I look at it, if there is no condensation droplets on the walls then I am in good shape.....:laugh: