Minimum lighting needed for Anemone


Fish Addict
FWIW, I beleive mwrager ran 4x 96 w on his 125g(72" long) for a while, and he had several anemones that did well in his system. He did upgrade his lighting to include 2x 250w mh recently, on top of his PC's. From what I have seen, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference as far as the anemones go (other corals yes, I have noticed a difference), maybe he will chime in and give the specifics.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, you'd need at least one more of those 2x96 watt fixtures before attempting an anemone, and then, not until the tank has been up and fully cycled for at least 6 months.


Active Member
My anomies did very well under my PC. 2-10k 96 watt and 2-03's 96 watt for a total of 96 watts. I had 6 anomies with 3 being different kinds. Some moved to the top of the rocks and some staid ½ way down on the rocks. I then added 2-250 watt MH and the anomies stayed right where they were, they look the same. Now I do hand feed mine once per week, shrimp. Hope this helps. The three different anomies are the 3-BTA, 1-LongTA, and 2 flower anomies.
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