mini brittle stars vanishing


hey I used to have hundreds of mini brittle stars. now they're gone. few remain. my most recent addition is a saron shrimp about 1 month ago that I haven't seen since. do they eat starfish? my current tank inhabitants are: 2 false percs, 2 engineer gobies, yellow tail damsel, fire tail blenny, royal gramma, six line wrasse, watchman goby, scooter blenny, blood shrimp, coral banded shrimp, cleaner shrimp, camel shrimp, and a saron shrimp.


Probably the wrasse, not 100% sure. But if it IS getting eaten that would be my guess.

Melev's Reef - Visual Identification
All the way at the bottom it shows predators.

But it could be due to water changes in the salinty or quality or maybe they have just moved to where you can no longer see them...


I also have heard of coral banded and camel shrim being destructive but dunno if they will eat star fish. I dont knwo much on saron shrimp