Magnificent Foxface & RSM 130


I have had a Fox Face for 8 months now. He is the perfect fish! Gets along well with every fish I have. My Lawnmower Blenny actually pics on him at times. He is a very peaceful fish. He eats anything we put in the tank and has NEVER picked at my corals at all. I have lots of mushrooms, zooanthids, xenia and hammer coral. When we put our hands in the tank to do anything in there, he is curious, but skiddish. He has never offered to sting us at all! He picks at algea around the tank, and eats it whenever he can get it before the lawnmower blenny, however, I would not concider him a great fish for algea control. I know every fish is differnt, and I absolutly LOVE MY FOX FACE!! I hope this helps a little. One more thing, they do get large, so if you do not have a large enough tank I wouldnt do it, cause once you get this fish, you will not want to get rid of it and u will be upgrading!!



WOW I stepped in on the end of this discussion. I just read the first page, did not see there were 2 other pages to read. Dont want to offend anyone. I just was explainiong how I felt about my Fox Face. I love him and would never do anything to harm him or keep him cruely confined.


Well-Known Member
I am not wanting to debate ethics on this issue - fact of the matter is, this type of fish has and will continue to be kept in controlled environments such as the RSM, for better or for worse.
ethics have to be considered. you say you want to learn, but fail to listen.

As such, I was hoping that folks could share useful information on this topic - both success stories and failures, that will allow myself and others to learn from such experiences so that we can better educate ourselves.
you still arent listening.

Perhaps offering tips that has allowed them to keep a Foxface happy and healthy for extended and ongoing periods of time... size issues, behavioural issues, diet issues - etc

and we have given you the info on the species and its tank size requirements, but you want to....
most importantly, keeping to the point that this is intended to be a discussion specific to RSM related experiences.
so, our advice isnt pertinent. big fish, small tank thats an issue,,,but since there is no RSM label, it doesnt count

I understand the concerns of what some might label 'the majority', but what I find concerning is that this so-called 'majority' ends up forcing individuals to sweep such practices under the rug and just not talk about them or acknowledge them. The opportunity to learn and grow from such experiences in turn, becomes lost.

I tip my hat to anyone who is brave enough to offer 'relevant' advice on this topic. Being the most frequented forum on the net for RSM related advice, my assumption is that more than a few people worldwide have had a Foxface in this nano at some point. Here's your chance to let us learn from your experiences.
the majority are trying to teach you


beware of the foxface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am haveing a problem with mine right now? I put him in about 2 months ago to eat algae and he did an amazing job. Now alon with a diet of rods reef food and spectrum pellets he has consumed about 200 safecrackers and 150 whammin watermellons. Dont believe the guys who say absolutly reef safe, because they are not. I am trying to humanly get him out to trade back in but he will be spear faced if not.