Looking for suggestions

Rep. Day

Greetings all...and Merry Christmas.

Sadly yesterday there was a death in the family, my long time buddy Coral Beauty passed away after several years together. So, I am looking for a new friend.

I only have a 28 gallon cube, 2 clowns and 1 blenny. I also have a few corals so it needs to be coral friendly. Of course I have a host of snales, live rock, etc...

Water specs are fine, this is a pretty well established aquarium. I am looking for suggestions on what I can place in the tank. Leaning toward a Flame Angel but not sure.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I know with the size I am limited.



I had a 28 gallon, that sounds much like your specs of fish. I had a flame angel in mine. I couldn't have been happier. Its a beautiful fish and never bothered any of my corals. I think you won't regret getting a flame angel.
I've upgraded to a 75 gallon tank and still have the same flame angel. Its getting close to 2 years old.

Best of luck in your choices.

Rep. Day

Still leaning toward the Flame (thanks ZJSM for the comments) but will give a Wrasse a look. They do look very interesting.



Active Member
Hey Dave, just my 2 cents but I'd be careful with either a flame angel or a flasher wrasse. A flasher wrasse will be reef safe but I believe most of them require a tank at least twice your tank's size. Perhaps there are some that do well in cubes, I'm not sure. As for the flame angel, I couldn't agree more that they are absolutely beautiful. I have one in my 90gal reef right now and I'm in the process of transitioning to a 28 nano; I've decided not to keep the flame angel only because it seems to really love to swim the length of the 4' 90gal and will occasionally chase my clowns so I'm not sure it would do well in my 28. Flame angels are also one of those "reef safe with caution" fish. Some will nip at corals and some will not. Mine doesn't but that's not to say he won't develop a taste for them later. How about a pigmy angel or maybe a royal gramma? Not perfect suggestions but thought I'd throw them out there. Anyway, I don't mean to dissuade you from a wrasse or a flame angel, just trying to add more info to your decision making process.
Good luck.

Rep. Day


Thanks for the info...I do appreciate the information! Hmmmmmmm...still thinking...lol. I think it is easier to pick out a new car than my new fish...lol.