Look what came home with me


Look what came home with me Friday. This is a nice addition to my tank. Seems to have acculamated well so far. I believe this is a Leather Toadstool with long white tips. You can also see my Solarensis Wrasse in this picture.


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    Left side of tank small file.jpg
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Thanks for all of the comments. I am new to corals so I am sure I will have allot more questions as I continue to add to my reef.

I was hoping my clowns would host in it, but no luck so far.


When/If the clowns decide to host they may be to rough for the leather. For some reason these guys can be overly rough while feeding in their host.

I haven't seen one host in a leather but then again I haven't seen a LOT of things.

Amazing purchase though. Awesome specimen!!!

Allen :)


Smile Maker
I had a clown host in toadstool leather. The leather eventually died. Don't know what really caused its demise, the clown or some other entity.

That's a nice leather you've got!:thumbup:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt want the clowns to host in my leather, seems like everything they host in dies...think they just get too rough. Mine are now hosting in a pom pom xenia since they about killed all the heads in their last host, torch coral.

Nice piece of leather!


Thanks for the info on the clowns hosting. This leather had a medium size clown hosting in it at the store. I guess I will stop enticing the clowns to go down to it. So it seems I will have to get a BTA for the clowns to host after my tank settles in more (only been up 4 months).


Even that doesn't guarantee any kind of "hosting" success. Sometimes they just don't do it. But the good news is they may host in something else. I have one at home hosting in my FrgoSpawn and one here in My office hosting in Frogspawn and green Star Polyps. It took several weeks for either of them to host but once they started it was ON!!

Allen :)


Well maybe I spoke too soon on the leather. I brought him home Friday PM and he was extended and looking good Sat and Sun, but Mon and today he is completely retracted with the polyps. Is this normal? There appears to be some grit on the surface, it almost looks like sand or small pieces of waste? Not sure? Is he digesting food? Not liking something in the tank?


Well-Known Member
It could be reacting from the move. I would gently blow water on it with a turkey baster until I did not see any debris or detrius. Then give it a couple of days and see what it looks like.
Leathers very often get upset with us and close up for a couple of days and then come back just fine. If one of mine is retracted I pretty much ignore it for a couple of days and they have always come back as good if not better than before.


Well she is still closed up. I will use the turkey baster to clean up and just leave her alone. Been three days. Hopefully none of the fish are picking on her when I am gone.


Well-Known Member
Try increasing the flow going across it. Some leathers really open nicely and do well in a moderate to heavy flow, it helps them to shed their slime coat easier.


I think you are right on. She opened up tonight, almost one week later and looking as good as ever. Patience.... patience....... patience........ I'm learning.