Live Rock Needs Cleaned what's best to clean it without killing any inhabitants?


New Member
After all of the time I've had my rock, probably 10 years give or take, it's needing a good cleaning. Just how do you go bout doing this without killing anything?


Well-Known Member
What kind of cleaning do you have in mind?

If it's just the usual build up of dirt, you can use a powerhead to blow it out. You can also save a couple of buckets of water from when you do a water change and remove the rock one piece at a time and rinse it off in the removed water. You need not do the entire tank at once, and it's usually better if you only do about 1/3 the tank every week or so.

There are more extreme methods you can do, but I'd only use them if you have a specific problem.


Well-Known Member
When you got something like bubble algea, it's more a problem of controlling algae. You need to control your nitrates and phosphates. Keep them low for an extended period, and in time you'll starg out the algae. A good clean up crew helps a lot too.