Lions, Horses, & Butterflies - Free at the Jersey Shore!?!


Note this is being posted in the South Jersey Marine & reef Club Forum

Okay, so I'm working on a 150 gallon tank to feature nothing but hippocampus erectus. Why because they live off NJ shores!!!!

Can you believe!?! Now I've read in a few books that say they live from Nova Scotia to Florida, however it's thought that they *may* not be the same species, because this would give this species the largest range of any seahorse. Although I've found a few captive breeders to purchase from, I was really interested in making sure it was the same breed of the NJ shore.

So I surfed around wondering if I could get a breeding pair myself and couldn't believe the TROPICAL MARINE fish you can sometimes find off NJ shores and, as this site states, it's legal to collect them if they are tropical!?!

I am definitely investigating further . . .


Wannabe Guru
DO you have a chiller ? Would these sp. be able to survive in warmer water ? Had no ideia they came all the way up the NE coast:eek:h:


New Member
Just saw this post and wanted to input for you. Yes these are all found at the Jersey Shore this time of year. I just got a Lion a few weeks ago along with several Spot Fin Butterfly's couple variations of squirel fish and two tangs that I still cant Id but think are surgen fish ? Seahorse I have not got but have many people that do every year and also saw a guy get a Cowfish a few weeks back.


Are there any laws governing collection of these things?

Even though I understand civil disobedience might apply, since they would die come winter anyway. . .


Well-Known Member
this year has shown the largest number of tropicals swept up by the current than any other previous year...remember that many of them have been severly stressed by their journey and may die after a short while....others have found an extended range to their habitat.


New Member
The fishing regulations for saltwater fishing in Florida has a section called marine life that regulates the capture of aquarium fish. your state might have similiar regulations


There are a few threads on local collection at . We had a few members make an outing of it and post a bunch of pictures of the day. If I remember correctly, they got mostly spotfin butterflies and horses. I'll see if I can find the link.


Has been struck by the ban stick
I disagree with this, I try to buy tank raised or LEGALLY captured fish only, if everyone starte taking them for themselves out of the ocean they would eventually become extict or at least endangered. Look at what has happened to other species and you will see I am not just some eco freak. I think people who take without even looking into the laws or regulations shoud be punished for if nothing else neglect, nothing is free, it either has reprocussions or you pay for it and this is just plain and simply WRONG! As for they might die anyway....that is a natural event not a excuse to do what you want.


Hmmmm.......I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it's based on fact or not.

(wait....did I accidentally click the wrong link?)

Don't worry my friend. No laws were broken or ethics compromised. Nothing collected for commercial purposes either. So, I guess those keeping box turtles, frogs, snakes, and bugs in a jar should be punishable for neglect as well.

My spidey senses are tingling. Maybe the originator should request the thread closed because I feel a whole bunch of baseless silliness lurking around the corner. But it could just be me.


Well-Known Member
No need to close the thread... we can let people say their opinons... we just don't support flaming and screaming here at our friendly RS..


Has been struck by the ban stick
I'm from N.J. originally, and was the Senior Aquarist at Jenk's Aquarium(Point Pleasant beach) for years...we actually stocked our Caribbean fish exhibit with specimens collected directly in front of the building,..........Squirls,triggers,files,grunts,snappers,Sargassum frogfish,chub,groupers,tangs,tons of spot fin butts,and the occasional four-eye,flame cardinals,short bigeyes,etc....and the list goes on,and on.
What i really miss is the coral...Astrangia danae(i heard they have changed the species name in the last few years)Northern stony coral...really cool!



Do the animals have a chance to go back south to the warmer waters or are they pretty much doomed once they make it this far?

BTW, I'm with you Billy, I just felt that Phils post was a little more abrasive and offensive, if not condemning, than need be in a opinion.
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Well-Known Member
my opinion is,,if they are in Jersey, they are doomed,,,doomed i say. wait till the tax bill comes in~

most of these fish that are born in the subtropic are doomed to death due to location. waters become much to cold and migration isnt in their nature. they simply die. it happens all over the world for millenia. animals born on the fringe of their climate requirements die.