Limbless Mr. Bojangles


Active Member
Well I'm seeing a few sides to this. The downside is that he's injured, the plus side is that he's still alive, at least a week later. I dont pray but I'll keep him in my thoughts -- imean look -- he has a great caretaker.

I agree with what Bob said earlier about how every life is worth fighting for. Except those kids picking on the crayfish would have got more than a wedgie and dead arm from me, I'm glad you took the time to nurse that back to health too.

I'm going to bet money that the Mr Bojangles is going to be ok. :) I think its time that you have a serious talk with the tang though, and make sure it knows that shrimp is supposed to be his friend. maybe if you use a net to corner him in the side of the tank you can get him to look you in the eye long enough to explain it.

on a more serious note, you cant be too mad at the tang, after all, to it unfortunatly the tang (whats the tang's name?) prolly looked at the shrimp the same way I look at a medium rare steak...


Well mr. bojangles passed away today... idk how he survived so long... but he did and never molted or anything...

Sorry been away, busy busy busy


Well-Known Member
awe man, i was sure that he was ok when i saw an update this far from the incident. Sorry to hear about your loss
