Lighting Question...


New Member
I am going away for about 4 days. I can only hook one light into my timer...(long story) should I go with actinc or the flourescent (24 gal aquapod) Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I would go with the flourescent. Do you have any corals? If it is just fish then it doesn't really matter. They would even be fine without light.


Well-Known Member
they do need lighting. Would it be possibl to get a 3 prong splitter and plug both in? If not then go with the white bulb!


Well-Known Member
The corals will be fine for a few days without intense lighting, think of it as a few cloudy days in the wild. However I do agree that the white light is more important then the blue light. The corals you have are very hardy so jsut make sure that your water parameters are good and thatyou get at least one of the lights on in the tank before you leave.