Lets Play a game; Reefers Clue

Freddieg275, has had 4 clown fish die in like 2 weeks. Who did it?

Were! It is a Nano Reef set up and it is stock. So that could have a factor, but lets say it was good...(dont want lil nano reefs vs monster reefs ppl fighting, altho my vote is MONSTER...LOL).

Who? 4 clown fish who have all died. 1 damsel, 1 cleaner shrimp,1 hermit crab,6snails.

So here are the clues

The fish were healthy when he got them, and water has tested great the whole time. Only the clowns have died. ( I cant remeber the name of the shrimp, mental mush, but from what I know it would of died from bad water before the clowns)

And on the faces of each clown when they died, the day of death, they had bubbles....

So who/what killed the fish.?


Well-Known Member
How long has the tank been set up? Is is BB, SSB, or DSB? If other than BB was the sand new or from an existing tank?


Well-Known Member
I would be looking for the problem in several main areas.

First, many clowns, especially false percula clowns, arrive in extremely poor condition. So, I'd suspect poor handling, and/or disease, ich, and especially velvet, which some clowns are prone to. Velvet can be difficult to see. It's sometimes called "gold dust disease" because it looks like fine gold dust on the fish.

Second, just because the water parameters all test ok doesn't mean the water is fine. There are plenty of factors you can't test for. When in doubt, change it.

Third, clowns often fight. It's less likely, but you may have had them kill each other off, and the last one too weak to survive.

Lastly, the size of the tank could be a factor. Four fish in a nano is a lot.
Thanks for the replys, I know its hard to trouble shoot with little info and when its not your tank.LOL...Which is why Im so stumped. Tank is atleast 2months, I believe and the sand is New.

Im going crazy with this. Cant stop trying to figure it out. I really think its because its a Nano...That the water amount is so low that its just so easy to throw it off. Were in larger tanks the enviorment is more stable.

I think he should just fallow the rule of in dought...do nuthng and leave it alone...but at the same time, I think its something with the set up.


Well-Known Member
It could have been an ammonia spike. I had the same kind of thing happen...water had been stable before I added the fish. Bubbles could be like the gas ones that come from the sand. Right after my second fish died I tested the water and sure enough...a slight bit of ammonia. Was it red behind the fishes gills at all?
I also tried a different pet store after someone told me about cyanide poisoning. I now have two happy clownfish.


Well-Known Member
Test it for oxygen about an hour before lights out or when the temp is the highest. Look for any extreme temp variations (like a significant increase with lights on). Is the water DI? It needs to be. Different areas have various toxins in the water. Some including lithium and arsenic. Run a poly pad 24/7 and look for a color change. Have an extra pad as a back up.