lateral line disease


I have a sick fish it feeds well but looks awful. anyone ever had a fish recover from a bad case on lateral line disease? like this

I have changed the food and checked for any stray voltage in the tank and added a grounding probe :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Have you tried adding vitamins to the food and water? Soak the food in something like selcon and maybe add some to the water once in awhile. They have Vit C you can add to the water too just watch the alk and ph.


Active Member
At the very least, you may be looking at permanent disfigurement. You didn't mention the cause, just that you made some changes, what did you pinpoint the cause as?


Have you tried adding vitamins to the food and water? Soak the food in something like selcon and maybe add some to the water once in awhile. They have Vit C you can add to the water too just watch the alk and ph.

selcon is not all that its cracked up to be I did not have much luck with it:jumprope:


Well-Known Member
There are other kinds but vitamins in general. I used vita chem with some luck for a chewed fin. Some of the Kent vitamins work well too.


At the very least, you may be looking at permanent disfigurement. You didn't mention the cause, just that you made some changes, what did you pinpoint the cause as?

The cause was a broken heater,I lost almost all of my corals and most of my inverts .The fish got stressed to say the least.
I was just wondering if it would grow its fins back now that everything is back up to proper levels.


Active Member
The cause was a broken heater,I lost almost all of my corals and most of my inverts .The fish got stressed to say the least.
I was just wondering if it would grow its fins back now that everything is back up to proper levels.

I have a feeling it will be up to its nutrtion here on out. You mentioned that you are using a vitamin supplement. I read in a study that Vitamin A helps form those little bones for the fins.

lReef lKeeper

New Member
they say that there are a lot of contributing factors to MHLLE, from nutrition to stress. most have been mentioned here, but i would suggest reading this Steven Pro article ... i had a Chevron Tang and Sohol Tang that had an, almost as bad as your case, outbreak of MHLLE. now, though, you can barely even tell they ever had it. mine was due to the 2 fish being kept in a tank that was to small for even one of them. i do not have any pics of before but here he is after a long healing time and being moved from a friends small tank to 1 of my bigger tanks ...




you can still barely see the lateral line scar on his side, but when i got him ... he had very little fin left. the Sohol made an excellent recovery and has since been sold.

here is the article that i refered to earlier, it really helped me to understand a lot of the factors that are believed to contribute to MHLLE ...

Marine Head & Lateral Line Erosion: A Description of the Syndrome and a Review of its Speculated Causes by Steven Pro -