kenya tree after dosing is it dead


fishtankissues_zps4f1d433f.jpeg photo by flathead1319 | Photobucket

here is a picture.


Probably not... Kenyas are extremely hardy. They have a tendency to wilt and shrivel if they're not happy with something. As long as it doesn't have any dead flesh and it isn't melting, it should bounce back.


New Member
Most soft corals, Kenya trees, will close up for several hours to days at a time. As posted above as long as its not falling apart its probably ok


New Member
What is meant by melting of a Kenya tree? Mine is all closed up now for two days and changed colors many time to where it is a dark purple color. There are other Kenya trees in the tank that are doing good and look great.


Well-Known Member
What is meant by melting of a Kenya tree? Mine is all closed up now for two days and changed colors many time to where it is a dark purple color. There are other Kenya trees in the tank that are doing good and look great.

Soft corals have no large, hard skeleton. When the die they crumble into a pile of short rods called spicules. This is called melting. The term is also used when the tissue on a stony coral rapidly dies.

What you are seeing with your coral is usually not considered melting. Soft corals retract to grow ans sometimes shed a "skin". This is normal. If your in doubt about a soft coral, you can give it the smell test. A healthy coral will smell bad, a bad one will smell really foul and terrible.


Staff member
I don't think you ever mentioned what you dosed? Activated carbon is always a good first line of defense if something looks unhappy.