Just wanted to say thanks!


No Longer a Member
Hey guys, just finished up end of year books for the stoney reef. It was a very successful year!!!! Made a TINY profit which is not bad for a business in the second year. Having great people like you ordering from me is what makes the Merry Christmas Reef Sanctuary stuff possible. I love to surprise people and give back at the same time. If this year is as good or better than last, there should be a lot more FREEBIES given out!

Anyhow, I just wanted to say thanks for all the info, the friendships and so forth.

I especially want to say thanks to
and Zack

You guys have been great! Great motivation and a great sounding board to bounce ideas off of.

With that, lets get some reef talk going. I have been working on a continuous phytoplankton doser. It is incorporating a uv sterilizer to sterilize the water going into the reactor, dosing 8oz per day. A tiny powerhead to continuously mix the culture gently and utilizing a 65k flourescent grow light. I am currently trying to get this to a size that a normal person can use. I was wondering what you all think. Especially those who have phyto cultures growing! I can easily put a CO2 tap in it if you think the phyto needs the CO2.

The whole Idea is to use the suspended nutrients in the tank water, pass this through the Sterilizer to prevent contamination and then have a sufficient volume of culture that it replentishes 8 oz of phtyo per day.


my name is Rob and I'm a Zooaholic
Patrick, I am setting up a Frag/prop system in my garage that will consist of 3 40g breeder tanks. I am very interested in your combo reactor. I am not new to the hobby but have never ran a reactoer or anything along those lines. Looking at your set up I think I may purchase the Combo from you. I look forward to picking your brain in a month or so for info On setting one of these up.



No Longer a Member
Sunny, depends? What kind of reactor do you want?

Calcium? Kalk?

I have designed my combo for 300gallon system. The kalk and Calcium are just individual units the same size as the combo for obvious inventory and production reasons.

The kalk set up you go with really depends on if you have a sump and how big that sump is, and how it is designed.

For sumpless I do recommend a peristaltic doser, but can also provide ball valves so you can turn down the feed pump so the cheap way works with sumpless systems as well.

Pretty much all Calcium reactors are the same but a few different bells and whistles to make them a bit more efficient. The big things to consider on the CA reactor is turn-over in the reaction chamber(re-circ pump size) and reliable CO2 injection (Good regulator and needle valve). Then beg, borrow, or steal a good pH monitor to set them up and dial them in. I would hazard a statement and say the biggest thing to get for your CA reactor is a pH monitor eliminates soooo many headaches!

Anyhow, there are a few generalities. Ask me some specifics and the whole board can probably jump in with me and answer the questions!


No Longer a Member
yes, a skimmer for around a 90 gallon tank, I try to make most of my stuff for the beginning reefer to use and last them through their tank upgrades.


Well I have no sump and I currently drip Kalk. The Kalk is great but sometimes i have no time mix Kalk. I want something That I would only have mess with once in a while.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the phyto culture set-up....think you should follow through on that one as well. You've had some killer idea so far man, and honestly I consider you someone who has been quite an asset to the board. I'm glad you're showing a profit after just two years of being in business. Many people try their whole lives to get paid doing what they love, very few find it,


Well-Known Member
patrick, man i hope i have inspired you as much as youve inspired and taught me... many of nights me you have been up till 3 am discussing stuff and i know i am more knowedgeable because of it... your a great friend and i am gald to have gotten to know you. so man THANK YOU!