Just me!


New Member
Hello all! My name is Tom. I have been in to reef tanks for about a year now and have enjoyed all of it. i started off with a 10 gal nano cube for about two months. then i tore down my freshwater tank to set up the a=salt water tank. my tank is a 65 gal all glass tank. i have about 70lbs of live rock right now. i have a 30 gal sump/refuge. running a mag 12 pump. and a excaliber skimmer. my lighting consists of two 175 watt MH 20k bulbs and two super atanic 98 watt vho. om my fuge i rin a 20 inch orbit set up. that has 80 watts of light. as for my fish and corals :
two clarky clows with a long tentical anemone
hammer coral
frog spawn coral
green star polups
varius shrooms
two leather corals
neon goby
yellow tang
and two dasmels
i will post pics of my tank when i get my camera back from a friend.