J'son Nano Cube JBJ Aquarium - upgraded LEDs to replace fluoscents


I recently had to move which is probably in most cases a aquariumist worst nightmare, but the I was a little excited in having the ability to rescape the tank. So I will have a picture of the old look and the new look and tell me what you think



Blue Space

Well-Known Member
your obviously a fan of the softies :D glad you got it all moved, set up and functioning. the first pic looks a little more blue. are those accent LEDs that just aren't turned on in the second pic?


your obviously a fan of the softies :D glad you got it all moved, set up and functioning. the first pic looks a little more blue. are those accent LEDs that just aren't turned on in the second pic?

Not sure actually, because I also have 2 LED moonlights that tend to come on 30 mins prior to when the main LEDS comes off, so if that's the case then yes. But the second pic had a filter from instagram applied to it so it did alter the natural color.

Yea I like softies, but they tend to grow like crazy in my tank, which is good, in my first set up i had a lot of green hair algae, in the new one, not much if any at all