JBJ Wavemaker question


Well-Known Member
I just added a JBJ Oceanpulse Duo Wavemaker and two maxi-jet 900's to my 12g nano. It works by switching current from one pump to the other, at specified intervals. However, the intervals don't seem to be very accurate with what is actually happening. When I set it to the 10 second interval setting, it takes more like 20+ seconds. Is there a reason behind this? Has anyone noticed this/had experience with wavemakers that do this?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about the Wave Maker. But Everytime I see your avatar, I think that it is Hanky from Southpark. Sorry for the Hijack.


Well-Known Member

This would be the first thing I've had problems with made by JBJ. My JBJ nanocube and ATO unit have actually been working pretty seamlessly.

I was just wondering from anyone with experiences with these units if this is normal due to pump size, etc or if I just have a faulty unit.

... and Lenny does not appreciate being related to Mr. Hanky :p