is this algae or coral and can it be saved?

so i bought a zoo rock because i loved this purple fringy stuff on it. it was gorgeous and looked great! now it's getting brown and I'm sad =(
I tried various macro i.d. sites, and can't get an exact i.d. the closest thing seems to be amphiroa fragilissma or actinotrichia fragilis? i had also though about ochtodes, but this is blue all the time, not just under certain light. it's more lilac, really. anyway, it's turning brown. originally, it was overshadowed by a large kenya tree that i have since moved. is it burning in the light? my Ca levels are plenty high (450-ish), all the bad stuff is 0 or close to it, and none of my other corals or algae are suffering. i'd be bummed to lose it.

thanks for any thoughts!
