Is this a good RO/DI unit?


Well-Known Member
Bought mine from also.....great customer service, and a great product.
Not bashing anyone elses product...just really happy w/ mine...


New Member
Originally posted by BigReepher
... a TDS meter should be used to determine when filters need to be changed.

Good morning folks. Unfortunately, a TDS meter won't help you in directly determining when your sediment filter and carbon filter need to be replaced. If you measure TDS in the pre-RO water stream with new (rinsed) sediment and carbon carts, and old ones, the ppm TDS is unchanged. Its your RO and DI resin that change the level of dissolved solids in your water.

So - use your TDS meter to monitor the function of your RO membrane, and your DI resin. If you find your RO membrane isn't working the way it should, i.e., reducing TDS the amount it should, it may be an indicator that the sediment filter and carbon filters aren't up to snuff, and have led to damage in the membrane.

So how do you monitor function of the sediment and carbon carts? The easiest way is to use a pressure guage to watch the pre-RO water pressure. When it decreases below your house line pressure, it's an indication the carts are plugged and not allowing water to flow through as easily as new ones will.
