Is it ok to leave my tank lights off completely for 7 days?


No! Use either Distilled or RO. In my case the RO at my LFS is cheaper then distilled. I really emphasize it - USE RO water. It is necessary to maintain a quality aquarium!


Active Member
Ok. I was just wondering if dasani is RO water maybe. Ill use distilled because thats all I have. Thanks! Will it take a long time to clear up my tank?


No dasani is not RO. Get jugs of distilled water. It may take a while but be patient, eventually your tank will look brand new!


Active Member
Well first off let me get the tractor and bailer and bail some of that for ya, LOL Common mistake my first fill was with tap water. Luckly I found out about how bad it was before I even added LR to the tank and was able to get it changed with RO water right away. Melevs reef (spelled wrong I am sure) has an awesome section on getting rid of HA.


Active Member
you probably shouldn't put any more anemones in there for a while. They really should be in a well established tank, 1 yr old or better. Also, if you go with a sea hare, make sure it doesn't suffer the same fate as your anemone. If it get sucked into a filter, it'll probably kill everything in your tank. I would get a RO/DI filter and make your own water. It'll clear up the alge, and be cheaper and easier than going to the store every time you need water. Good luck.