Input on whether this aquarium is good or not?


I bought a used 30 gallon aquarium with the stand and canopy for $250. I wanted to know if you guys think the silicone would be fine, or if I should do something about it, or what. I haven't done the water test to see if there are any leaks yet, but I just want your input.





Well-Known Member
First clean it up and see where you stand. It may not need to be resealed. Then give it the leak test.

If you do want to reseal the tank, it's not difficult. clean off all the inside joints using a razor blade scraper, like you would use for paint. Then wipe the inside edges down with isopropyl alcohol to remove any film, grease or other material. The surface must be completely clean and dry. Get a large tube of aquarium grade silicone. You will also need a caulking gun. Then run a bead of silicon around all the inside edges. Have a large supply of paper towels ready to wipe up any mistakes. This is almost like caulking around a bathtub. Let it dry for a few days, and then do another leak test.


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Everything DaveK said.

Also in order to make life and look sooo much easier and neater.

Run a piece of blue painters tape perpendicular to your silicone joints but far enough away from the joint to leave enough silicone to seal the tank. So for example on an up and down corner, run the tape up and down about 1/4" away from the inside edge. Do this on all of the corners you will be siliconing. As soon as all of the siliconing and finger smeering is complete, simple remove all of the blue tape to reveal a super professional job:) Just don't let the silicone dry before removing the tape.

Silicone is like.....well let's just say that you'd be amazed at how many surfaces you'll touch with silicone once you get started.

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
Looking at your photos, I'd say, do a leak test to make sure, but it's probably fine; tanks last a very long time and your joints don't seem to be missing or cut.
+1 on the tape method. I would reseal it. It looks like someone got too agressive with scraping the tank and got in to seal. I just did one that looked very similar and used the blue painters tape. IMO it is the only way to do it if you want it to look like it came from the factory. Also , don't dig or angle the blade in to where the 2 panes of glass meet. Just cut it flush on both sides. Basically, when you are done scraping, there will be no silicone left on the face of the glass, but there will be silicone left where the 2 pieces of glass meet. Hope that makes sense.


Princess Diana
Good Luck & PLEASE UPDATE with a picture :D I'd like to see your finished work & then your filled tank.
Start a tank thread using these beginning pictures. I bet it's going to turn out GREAT!!
What are your stocking plans for it?


I say not.

I couldn't sleep nights.

I don't like buying other peoples problems.

Just my humble opinion.
Tough call but it'll surely work out whatever ya do. For $250 it's a good deal just for that stand and hood imho. A brand new tank would probably be cheaper just considering hours to fix up an old tank, unless you're an avid DIY'er. Good luck! :wave: