in building stages

reef keeper

I am building a 135 gallon reef tank. still in the drawing stages. trying to do it right the first time ay doing alot of research is stead of trial by error. I build a refugium out of a 30 gallon tank I had laying around. Now I'm putting together a 30 gallon sump system. All I need to aquire is a protein skimmer and a calcium reactor. I had a 55 gallon fish only tank for about 10 years untill the tank cracked and I lost about $2000.00 worth of fish and invertabrae. Did not have a way of saving the fish other than a five gallon pail. Now I have a 30 gallon Hospital tank sitting tin the corner just in case. Never had a sump system before or a calcium reactor. I would like to do the best inexpensive(not cheep) job I can. Need some questions answered but that will be another day.


Smile Maker
Welcome Reefkeeper! Keep us posted on the build, you'll get a lot of advice here. All the best! :clink: