Hydor Nano Slim Skim install RSM 130D question


Greetings again,

First... thanks for the help with my refractometer purchase. I ended up with the brs model so I have a few extra $$$ leftover for other equipment. It included the calibrating fluid too so it was a good deal.

The 130D I bought used included a Hydor Nano Slim Skim. The previous owner had it installed next to the heater chamber. I was wondering if this is the best spot or if it should be next to the Inbasket or perhaps somewhere inbetween? It doesn't look like the magnets can be used due the limited working space so also wondered if siliconing a thin piece of Plexiglass on the bottom wall (above the oem skinner plexi support) would help support the Slim Skim from falling down. What a great forum and group.
