how to remove red slime?


i think i have red slime. it looks dark red and its only on my rocks.
if this is red slime how do i remove it?


Active Member
Make sure your water quality is good and siphon as much out as possible and treat it with some red slime remover.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have any delicate fish or corals in the tank, you could try red slime remover. That worked for me in my first tank.
If you have delicate stuff already, you could try adding turbo snails. They eat the red slime in one of my tanks.
Then you need to lower your nitrates and phosphates by feeding less, adding a phosphate reactor, or adding macro-algae in a refugium. The red slime, cyano-bacteria, uses nitrates and phosphates to grow.
And use RO water.


adding a bag of purigen stopped my cyano issues - had pretty good quality before but that really seemed to help suck the last remaining nitrates out of the water