How many fish?


New Member
Im starting a new 75 gallon reef and dont want to overstock (it seems like that's a problem i have) This was my list of fish Im looking to keep in here. I don't want nitrates to become a problem.

1.yellow tang tang
1.tenneti tang
7. blue green chromis
2. ocellaris
1. midas blenny
1.leapord wrasse/sunrise dottyback
2 wardii gobies

this is about 77 inches of you guys think this is to many? if so how many fish should i cut out?



Well-Known Member
Eliminate the tangs and you are good.
Two reasons
1 the tank is too small for a tang not yet 3.
2 the bio-load. Recommended stocking limits are one inch of adult fish per 5 gallons of water. Even if we don't account for displacement from the rock you should have a max of 15 inches of adult fish in the tank.
You need to cut down on the chromis as well. 7 is too many for that size tank.


Well-Known Member
also, in SW as opposed to FW, inch of fish per gallon is sort of useless. Some fish swim all day long and need lots of room for their size, (wrasses, angels and tangs), and some just kind of hang out in the same spot, (bangaiis, seahorses, jawfish etc...) Just something to keep in mind. I agree with the others, 3 tangs don't fit in a 75


New Member
I will advice using the following principles which guide me in making such decisions,
It is not recommended to house marine fish in a tank smaller than 20 gallons, even though this is possible. your tank size of 75 is OK - only for a certain number of fish. My advice would be to start with a tank size you will be comfortable maintaining. A rule of thumb would be, for each inch of fish capacity, you should allow 3 to 5 gallons of tank capacity. As a guiding rule, ten gallon-tank equals two one inch fish.