How long does it take ... ?


Does anybody have a clue how long it takes for an olive tang to mature ?
I've been curious, as I am now starting to wonder how old the fish actually is.

The same goes for the Emperor angelfish, anybody any clue ? :)


Well-Known Member
Based on some published research:

The Emperor angel can live up to 14 years old, based on some fishery research. Some captive ones have lived longer. Juveniles are distinguished by a white dorsal-fin margin. Transformation to the adult color pattern occurs over the size range 8 - 12 cm in the wild.

For Olive tang, Acanthurus olivaceus, maximum age recorded was 33 years in the Great Barrier Reef. Size at sexual maturity is 180 mm. It shows rapid growth for the first three to four years of life. Beyond four years, growth declines sharply; resulting in extended periods of asymptotic growth. Body of adult is dark grayish brown; juveniles yellow; posterior to upper end of gill opening is a bright orange horizontal band, with purplish black border. Head and anterior half of body usually abruptly paler than the posterior half. Large adult males (about 17 cm) with more definite convexity of snout profile.

Hope this is helpful.