how do you feed sea stars


what and how do you feed sea stars? I know they eat snails by encasing them in their stomach. Are their any other ways? I have baby snails but they haven't been touched. this looks like my sea star. Its about 6 inches in diameter.

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Do you feed your tank anything meaty?

I also keep a blue linckia and I have never had to feed it directly. It moves around the tank and grazes all the time.


Well-Known Member
Most of the Linckia sea stars consume film algae and other microscopic fauna associated with mature reef systems. Unfortunately the blue linckias are among the most difficult to keep and require very well established systems to survive long term. The orange and purple linckias are more durable and are known to eat small clams and anemones. But all of the linckias are better suited to well established reef systems. Otherwise they will wither away.


I have mine linkia blue star fish since i have started my saltwater aquarium before 1 year.
I have a lot of experience with them, so if you need to know something about them just ask.

I didn't turn on skimmer in first 8 moths, i have put at least 30kg of live rock.
In cooperation and great help from Mr.Schumaher Claude ,Fauna Marin company I have started to dosing Ultra Bio, Ultra Bak and Ultra Min - s.
Parameteres must be stable with no temp,spec.gravity and pH shifting.
I have tried many types of foods to feed her and only one combination was good for her,she has started to eat. My starfish gone through many difficult times, I had some problems with her tissue which is going to brake up. She has survived and still my favorite animal. If you want pictures I can post them.
Best regards,
Petar Stefanovic


Well-Known Member
Staff member
There are two things that I always felt like I "failed" in keeping when we had the 180g system. One was a gorgeous blue colonial tunicate that lasted less than a year.

The other was our beautiful blue "Larry" the Linckia. We had +/- 250lbs of LR in the tank, live sand, about 75lbs of LR in a 100g sump, and also a 50g refugium. The tank was mature and had tons of life. Even so, our starfish lasted just under 4 years. It never got "sick" or injured, or looked limp or unhealthy, it just simply shrunk. Over the last year we had it, it just got smaller and smaller, and finally one day it dissapeared into the rockwork and we never saw it again. Here's a pic of our Linckia when we had it:



Great help every one. Petarst what was the food combination you fed your star fish and how did you go about feeding it?


Great help every one. Petarst what was the food combination you fed your star fish and how did you go about feeding it?

Hi there, bacterial film is main sorce of food for linkia, but i have manged to attract her to eat spirulina tablets from Sera which i have mixed with ocean nutritions invert food adding some vitamins like lipovit or something like that, than i am stoping my pumps(stream pumps also) and take her with hands and put over it, now its very difficult to feed her because my sohal tang is going to eat everything that i put on the bottom of tank no matter if it is a day or night. She is not eating everything, just some components that are included in.Once more, please get this products:

Ultra Bio Aktif , Ultra Bak from Fauna Marin

BR / Petar


Active Member
Lex it is nice to see that you are asking for some help in caring for your star. The only suggestion I have for you is to try and do your research before you buy any animals for your tank. Not only will it save you money but it will save the life of one more ocean creature. Best of luck with your star.


Jason I appreciate your message as I would advise others to research any animals before they buy it as well. This sea star was my first addition, the LFS said they eat algae and will be fine without spot feeding. Another thing I have learn t is never trust the LFS unless you know for sure they know what their talking about. I was going to get a mandarin fish then i researched it!
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