How come soo much?

I was reading the posts on the acans and the blastos. My question is, why do they cost soo much? I want some! But they cost too much, and I dont know how well they do in the tank? Are they worth the money? What makes them soo much? Do they grow fast? I saw the ones on another thread that mane and randy had and boy they make me drool soo much!!!! :drooool: :drooool: :drooool: :drooool:


Hey SWT, acans demand a premium price because even the more common colored varieties are extremely rare. The crazy colored acans are near impossible to get. They are fast growers, hardy and extremely good looking. Everything you can want in a coral.

Blastos are very similiar, and most are decently priced, all but the very exotic colored ones.

HTH's if you have any more questions just post!

Thanks for the compliment btw =).


Thats mis id'ed its something other then acan, probably favia, maybe gontastrea?

Acan lords are the ones that are desirable.

They should be fine under that lighting.


Acans, as I said are near impossible to find. Especially at stores. You will usually fine them from hobbyist, and most will only trade for other morphs.

Blastos you just have to look around and be lucky. Hard to say. I have seen nice ones at quite a few places. Its a case of being at the right place at the right time.

None of them are cheap =), thats like an oxymoron, a nice blasto/acan for cheap hehe.


I just bought a 5 pack of single head acan from pacificeast they where 60 bucks for 5 different ones but they do grow pretty fast so before you know it you got 3 then 5 plus it is fun to watch them grow up.