holy macros batman


Well-Known Member
All I can say is WOW and thank you John! I just got everything put in the tank and it looks great!





I know I only ordered about 25 snails total but I think one out of the 5 bags alone had 30 snails in it :tongue: AWESOME! They all survived but about 5 of the extra 15 perwinkles you sent and one of the perwinkles was claimed instantly by my yellow watchman.
You guys earned a customer for life!

tried to get a pick of how many snails you sent me but I was too slow.. they all move so darn fast... I am guessing this is about 1/3 of how many you sent and still way more then the 25 I ordered :bluenod:



Well-Known Member
your welcome. didn't realize I sent you a frag of gracilaria, when you already have it. My bad, I try to keep it changed up a bit. the flame and the fire fern look a little stressed, they should bounce back, but if they don't let m eknow and I will get some more out to you.


Well-Known Member
They really don't look that bad in person. the one all the way on the right got the worst of it with a couple broken branches but nothing that I think will be fatal. I think they'll bounce back. Oh and its ok that you sent me the two of the same. :) I like it!


Well-Known Member
Btw is there anything special I need to do if I want to frag that codium at some point? Just cut and glue? I want to spread it around my tank a bit , it just looks awesome.


Well-Known Member
Another great sponsor story. May have to pick up some goodies myself when I get back from MACNA. If I have any money left. :)


Well-Known Member
cool thanks. I went ahead and fragged a piece off the fire fern that looked the healthiest. Let us know when you get some galaxies in. I gotta have one.
I started placing them around the tank and it just look so much better with macros filling in the gaps.
Without sounding like a kiss arse its nice seeing these moderate growing macros for sale. I think calupera has so many people scared away from macros but to see this kind of stuff in the tank just really gives the rocks some depth. However my lawn mower blenny is PO'd he can't eat the codium but he's giving it heck trying :bouncer: .
I'll definetly be recomdending you in the future.


Well-Known Member
wow the fire fern looks crazy under a 420/460 actinic. My camera pics look too dark under the actinics for some reason so posting a pic won't do any good but thats amazing. Kind of a neon orange.


Well-Known Member
here tried to take a pic anyway. But like I said the camera doesn't pick up any of the glow under actinics..

heres the frag I took off of it



That macro on the left (dark green and plump) looks familiar, like something that is served on tables in Asia. Pretty good stuff if you like seaweed and are an adventurous sort! That fish looks adorable! Nice colors! Some sort of goby? Sorry, not very good with identifying fish for now.


Well-Known Member
midas blenny. They have the most unique face of any fish. Nobody comes into the house and leaves without commenting on him. They can be a little shy at first but food and curiosity get the best of them and they have to investigate everything going on in and outside the tank. He's very communal too hanging out with my clowns all the time.
The green macro is Codium. Its my absolute favorite. The thick branches and the deep green give it a look that I have not seen from any other macro.Highly highly recomend it.
thanks for the compliments.

click on my chronicle to get a full shot of him


Well-Known Member
hey John I'd thought I'd update you on the macros they are all doing well. My small gracialara frag got eaten but hey thats partially why its in the tank. The big piece of gracialara is doing awesome. Color is superb.
The short codium is really doing well. I had thought the lawnmower blenny was trying to eat the codium but couldn't now I know its eating the hairs that grow all over it. Everything in the tank loves those hairs and they grow back fast. What a great renewable food source that I didn't expect! If this isn't big enough to frag soon I may have to order a couple more! Love the moderate paced growth to it too. Definetly my favorite macro I have ever owned.
Everything else is doing perfect thanks again my friend.