HOB Skimmer for a 50gal Tank


New Member

I had a CoralLife Skimmer, and it finally gave up the ghost. So I need to replace it. I don't have a sump, so I need a hang on back skimmer. Any recommendations? I was not very happy with the CoralLife skimmer. The valve control would not stay in - had to use a rubber band. Also, the plastic parts became brittle and broke, which is what finally did it in.


Well-Known Member
For smaller tanks, the skimmer I like is the AquaC Remora Pro. There are plenty of good skimmers out there that will also work. However, there are also a lot of junk skimmers out there. Expect to pay a certain amount of money for anything decent.


Reef Octopus BH-2000 gets my vote. Ran the BH-1000 for 2yrs on my 26g (bit overkill) but awesome skimmer none the less. Best part, external pump. No heat transference and no bulky pump taking up much need realestate :)