Hi Everyone!


I just want to introduce myself to the community. I have been on here for a couple months, just soaking in what everyone is saying and using that information to better my reef keeping. This is truely a great resource for information. I had been a reefer back in the 80's and I fell out of it after several disasters. Well, last year I decided I was going to jump back into it and this time do it right. With the advancements in technology for the reef tanks and online forums such as this, I am finding great success with my 1 year old reef tank. Small as it is, it is a start. I have a brand new house that I intend on finishing the basement so as to build my "dream tank" and everything would be built around that. So I just want to say thank you to everyone for your great advice and knowledge! I will always have questions and hopefully I will be able to provide some answers based on what I have already learned.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RS!
Glad you are learning and enjoying. That is what it is all about. Post some pics of your tank when you can. We would love to see what a great job you have done.