Help .............


Active Member
PLEASE HELP, my 2 mushroom leather corals are not opening up.
They have not opened up for about 3 days all water tests are normal temp is 80 my lighting is T-5 [2x55wtt, 2x36wtt] and i feed them plankton and nauplii [when avalable] .

Thanks sarah (very upset because they are beautiful).


Active Member
Could be on a long shed cycle. Mine does that from time to time. A good blast with a powerhead will help bring it out if so.

These are very tough corals, unless it's literally disintegrating.


Active Member
RY, everything else is ok, my large finger coral is shadding a the moment thats about all thats going on. Will try the power head trick.
Thanks sarah xxxx


Mark's right on, these corals are darn near indestructible. How large is your tank? The lighting may not be adequate. 182W is a nice amount of light, but if you have a 55 gal or more, you may need to upgrade your lights. Nice cat! We used to have one that looked just like yours. She lived to be 21 years old!


Just a reefer
its all good Sarah, usually one coral shedding will cause another to get it going to. Just on a side note, leathers dont eat plankton and nauplii.



Ditto to mojo's post. FWIW, my cabbage leather used to do this and I would take a turkey baster to it the help it along. I found that when I moved it to a spot with more turbulent current, it does it less often. I guess the water movement helps keep the debris off of it so it doesn't have to shed as much. HTH.


Court Computer Wiz
I'll join in with those above, mine do this every so often if they get some trash on them. A little more flow may help and dusting them off with the turkey baster may also help it along. And I'll also second mojo on that when one of mine sheds the other almost always follows in the next day or so.


Just a reefer
Sarah they get thier food from absorbing nutrients through thier tissue, they also feed on detritus floating around in the water and possible some planktonic capture (but that is a guess) and the plankton is not phyto.



Just a reefer
I would imagine Craig its a good guess. Leathers have active nematocysts, so probibly mostly bacterialplankton. But they are oppurtunistic.

they just look so inviting dont they
