Help With My Achilles


New Member
hey everyone i need you guys help, just tonight i noticed my achilles tang has a puffy eye, never had this problem so i don't know what to do, could this kill my fish? and what causes it?


Well-Known Member
In general, this is a reaction to water quality or an infection, or both.

Make a very large water change (over 70%). Do this according to good procedures.

Check marine system to remove dirt, dead things, detritus, etc. Change chemical and mechanical filters out. In short, clean up the system.

Next verify the fish is getting the right nutrition. A fish properly fed (and many hobbyists don't feed properly) should be able to overcome a small infection.

The eye should go back to normal in a few days. If not, then the fish should be treated. So while you're doing the above and waiting to see, setup and get going a quarantine tank.

Good luck!


New Member
oh man, it scared the c**p out of me i did exactly as you said the fish is doing so much better not to mention its eye is almost cured, i put the fish in my 37 g quarantine tank added melafix, the problem was high nitrates, i did a 60% water change and cleaned all filters, everything is now in check, nitrates dropped to 20, i'll be doing another major water change soon again, thanks leebca i owe you one, and in the meantime wanted to ask you which pellets you think is better, spectrum or dainichi marine? i feed them both but they are expensive and want to buy only 1.


Well-Known Member
I can assure you that this fish is not reacting to the nitrates. There is something else wrong with the water that the large water change has temporarily fixed. Better be looking for more OR, it was the cleaning that was needed. Keep up the maintenance and keep watching for any problem signs.

I don't use nor recommend pellets of any kind. This fish should be fed marine algae. It is a herbivore. Pellets contain wheat and land products which this fish won't digest, which just goes into the tank to make for more pollution.

Please read (and follow the advice given in) these posts:

The best foods will also help keep your fish healthy.
