HELP PLS!!! Melanarus vs coral beauty


so i added a coral beauty to my tank today, and the wrasse decided to chase the poor little gal around, i have the lights off and i am checking them often. what can i do? i don't have another tank to put the beauty in, any ideas on what i can do to help them chill out?


Well-Known Member
You can try giving them over night, and maybe the wrasse will calm down, but in my experience they seldom do. I think your going to have to remove one of them and return it to your LFS, sell it, give it away, or set up another tank.


ugh he is insane gonna have to set up the other one, o well haha ;) its a shame they don't get along but at least i have an excuse to set it back up


Active Member
Yeah once a Melanurus gets settled, it gets mean. They are pretty, active, and eliminate pests like flatworms, but they don't play nice.

This only sometimes works but you could redo your rockscape to break up established territories.


Wannabe Guru
Dwarf angels can usually hold their own against fish similar size so if it's healthy and eating well I wouldn't worry about it, if the Dwarf isn't eating prepared foods then he won't make it especially with such an agressive feeder like the Melanarus.


well unfortunately the wrasse is a couple of inches bigger than the dwarf, and it was ripping her fins already so i moved to her a different tank i set up. a 75 might be appearing this weekend so i hope that i can get them both in that one, figuring it is a good bit of room for those two