Grocery Store Clam as Food??


Hello all, I went shopping today and walked by the seafood section.

I bought 1 clam for food for my fish. After doing so, I have no idea how to feed this to them?

Has anyone ever done so? It was on ice when I bought it and it is all closed up?


Active Member
I did shrimp last night, rince in tap water very well, the soak in some tank water, chop/dice up and add to tank, CUC loves the left overs, and skimmer goes nuts. I almost bought some clams but went with shimp instead, squid or scallops work good too, but not the scallups in the presative water, you want "dry packed ones" they cost about 3$ more a pound then the ones with the preservative in them.


be very careful using grocery store sea food, because the put it in a lot of deferent stuff to ship so you you could be putting some nasty stuff in your tank. If you live near the coast or know someone that does it might be safer to get it fresh and have it sent to you.


Well-Known Member
If it's closed tight, it means it's alive and good. Put it in the freezer until it's frozen. Then pry it open and chop up what's inside with a knife. It's easiest to chop up while it's frozen. Make sure the pieces are small enough for your fish to eat. Don't put it in the blender, cause it will quickly liquify.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Sara.
I do know people that have put the live clam in the tank. Clams are good filter feeders and when they die they open up and provide a buffet for your reef inhabitants. I haven't been brave enough to try it.


Update.... So I washed the clam, and let it soak in my tank water for a while in the sump. I cracked it open and choped up the meat. I put in the the tank and WOW.....they went nuts!!! My anthias especially. I even saw some creatures I havent seen in a long time (the serpant stars, and reef lobster) great experience, I will try the shrimp next time


I bought 3 clams at my local seafood market. I rinse them in RODI water, and put them in the tank. They are all alive and open, but My lil puffer is going crazy trying to get them open.


Well-Known Member
I should add, the reason I freeze any I put in my tank before feeding it to them is to kill any parasites the clam might have. I have other clams in my tank and don't want them catching some weird disease.
My fish go crazy for it too. Try squid. Fish go nuts for it, but just don't feed it too often cause it can cause fatty liver or something like that.


Active Member
Great informative thread! I shop at the smaller fresh seafood stores around the area for this.... most have the stuff still alive and if not it is VERY fresh!