
Mad Mike

Active Member
I really dont treat the sun coral very special. I feed different things but mostly a liquified blender mush that stinks to high heaven.

Clams, oysters, muscles, scallops about 12 each. Make sure when ya shuckin the juice goes in the blender, YUMMY!
baby brines
red leaf lettuce
couple of small carrots
1000mg Vitamin c
Seaweed, soak it first get it nice and soft
Some guys use fish eggs I havent yet but its supposed to be great. More protein can't hurt.

I feed small ammounts daily the idea being is to suspend nutrients in the water so its available. Maybe once a week I'll do a heavy cloud the tank kind of feeding. BTW I always feed about 2 hours before lights out. Turn the skimmer off, I dont run it 24/7 anymore. I run it 2 to 3 days topps 24 hours at a clip.

Some guys I hand feed like the green carpet. Sometimes the clown is a lil dopey and doesnt feed him so I just kinda watch and offer it something some clam or scallop maybe some krill or fresh fish, if he wants it he takes it.

I read a real interesting article on how reef inhabitants eat. It seems the jist of the story was the same piece of food could be eaten up to 8 times by different animals with each getting something it needs till it's exhausted the food source.With some inhabitants eating the waste products and undigested bits. This works since not everyone can breakdown the food they need to get what they need. Really when you think about the ammount of food thats available to these guys in the wild it's astounding. In our quest for clean water we are probably starving them. Thats why I'm amazed when people say they dont change water. When you feed like I do you have to change water. The ocean is so vast and what we do is try to mimic a huge enviroment in a closed system so you have to export in large numbers. You cant expect a refuge with some algae and a few mangroves to do it. Their photosynthetic process is to slow in relation to what your putting in. Plus just the photosynthisis alone is producing what they need or most of, so if your giving it extra it may not be taken up. So water changes are part of the solution. Thats my opinion anyway.

To be honest this last few months have been a kind of awakening for me, I'm not a genius by any stretch but I have come to understand way more and it makes me realize how much I didn't know. Just little things you pick up along the way from observing.

Random thoughts from the Madman ;)


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Wow Mike! Your mush surpasses mine! I thought I made the best but now I think you do! :) I agree. I feed heavily too and also rely on water changes to keep the water fresh.