Green Water


skilter filter is crap, and is old filter seen that back in 2001. Its pretty much a filter with a tiny skimmer, which makes bubbles.


idk if u have solveed the prob or not, but the lighting schedual will DEFFINATLY contribute to the green water, ivee recomended 8 hours at the max to hundreds of people and no problems with ANY algae. but with more then 10 hours you will deffinatly grow algae. also a U.V. steralizer will fix your problem in couple hours by eliminating any free floating algae spores in the water. ALSO, cyno USUALY comes in places where nutriant export is poor by the lack of waterflow in the area its growing. i use the rule of thumb of your pumps should turn your water in your tank atleast 6 times an hour.

hopefully i answered a couple questions =)


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been kind of crazy. The aquarium is doing a lot better. I got a bigger filter, got rid of the piece of crap skilter filter I had. Added a coralife skimmer, thing is fantastic. I also added some phosban and more charcoal to the aquarium. Here is a picture just taken a little bit ago. Doing much better, the only critter I lost is the lettuce slug, I think. Haven't seem him in several days he is MIA. Thanks for all of the info.
