Good way to keep heat down, other than chiller?


I'm just looking for a way to keep the heat down in my tank. The room is even heated from the tank..

The tank used to stay at the 78 degree mark, but it has now slowly gone up. Will some clip on fans by each Metal Halide (theres 3) work?

I'm just looking for it to go down maybe 3-4 degrees.


Active Member
Do you already use external pumps? That will help but can get VERY expensive... and if its a heating issue with light it may not even solve the issue by switching to external pumps...idk much though lol


Yes, the pumps are external.. Thanks though!
Ok, I guess I'll check out home depot today..Hopefully that will work.


Active Member
I've heard electronic stores can have some Ok fans that work well for this purpose.... I think they might be computer fans or something... not real sure though...

Well good luck Johnny!


Before I had a chiller....I would take the freezer packs that I used in a cooler and put them in a ziplock and freeze them and then drop in the sump. This is more of a temporary fix. I have also used a clip on fan to blow over the top of the tank which does help.


Yea, havn't been to the store, but basically the other day I took the heater completely out, and it only dropped the temp to 81. So fans will be picked up tomorrow...


Now that summer is upon us, especially in the SouthWest, the heat is knocking on the door. I can't afford a chiller yet, I have turned my A/C on to about 75 degrees. Its still pretty great weather outside, 81 degrees and loving it. Even at this "low" temp, it has an affect on the temp inside of the house. So i noticed that the temp in my tank was getting up to 80-81 degrees--same as the temp outside. I bought 2 good heavy duty fans at Lowe's pointed directly at the tank/s along with turning my A/C down gradually over the past several days from 78 to 75 degrees, has brought the temp down in the tank to 75-76 degrees. When the hundreds hit, the a/c will be turned down to 73-72 degrees to keep the tank stable. Hope this helps. Thanks!