HELP! Golden Angelfish (Centropyge aurantia)


Well-Known Member
HI Could anyone give me some advise and insight on this fish. My LFS just got one in and he is a friend and said they dont get them in very often. Do they always eat corals and will they take flake foods ? I am going away for 3 weeks in the summer and dont want to risk if not 100% sure- LFS said he will feed mixture of frozen and flake and some pellets to see how it eats.Anyone here ever owned one ?


Well-Known Member
The main thing to consider in the care of Golden's is that they come from deeper water than most Centropyge. Not as deep stuff like C. colinii, but in the 60'-90' range. I always found they did best in dimly lit tanks. In typical reeftank light levels they're inordinately shy, often to the point of not eating. I never kept one with corals so I can't speak personally to their eating corals, but their reputation in this respect is not good.