GlennF's reefing heaven!


Well-Known Member
Agree. Maybe Glenn will share some of his methodologies with us. He has already shared his feeding regime which was quite interesting.


Well-Known Member
Glenn, do you target feed your Scolymia? :fishy:

yes i do ! i got i from a friend (25/9/2013) and is was in very poor shape. By target feeding i boasted it up. Now it's recovered slowly.



Well-Known Member
Agree. Maybe Glenn will share some of his methodologies with us. He has already shared his feeding regime which was quite interesting.

Give me some time to introduce my tank properly, than i will tell you more about my method.


Well-Known Member

oh jee.... you found the article published on AA.
there goes part of the surprise

Been reading up on dosing methods, randomly came across it.... interesting read.

Give me some time to introduce my tank properly, than i will tell you more about my method.

Sorry I ruined the surprise of the reveal. The whole dosing thing really scares me, been putting it off, but my sps are taking off and I really should start to figure that all as I said, been reading up on every article that I can find on dosing methods....saw yours - what a surprise!