Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish Questions


New Member
Hello everyone! Some quick questions on fuzzy dwarf lionfish:

Are they difficult to keep/feed?
Can they comfortably live in a 55gal corner tank?
Is it possible to keep them with other non-agressive fish (clownfish, cardinals, etc.)?

I'm getting my aquarium within the next week and I'm trying to figure out my stocking list beforehand.

Thanks for your time!



Fish Addict
Smaller more docile fish will most likely become food for it over time. As far as tank size, the 55g corner would be plenty.

I don't know about feeding, but I would imagine that it would be similar to other lions. I know that some lions will only accept live ghost shrimp and small fish, but can be trained to take frozen/freeze dried krill and other meaty items.


Well-Known Member
Lionfish eat nice small fish such as clownfish and cardinalfish as a natural food source so they definately are not safe to add to a lionfish tank. Any fish that will or may fit into a lionfishes mouth (and their mouths are very large) will be seen as potential prey.

Some lionfish will only eat live animals at first, however with patience most of them can be trained to take dead/frozen foods.


Active Member
Are they difficult to keep/feed?
They are easy to keep, but feeding can be tricky.
Can they comfortably live in a 55gal corner tank?
Is it possible to keep them with other non-agressive fish (clownfish, cardinals, etc.)?
Yes, so long as the fish are large enough not to be eaten. I have kept them with clowns, chromis, blennies and such before.

here is a link with more information:
Lionfish Care Article


Google Warrior
Another fact I learned the hard way.

Lion fish dwarf and volitians alike will eat themselves to death.

I never had any trouble getting them to eat just make sure you don't over feed, and while their not really aggressive they will eat anything they can fit in there mouth