Fungia ???


Hello all,

My fungia had been doing great in my tank for many months. For some reason now it has stopped inflating and extending its tentacles during the day. It will inflate at night, but still won't extend its tentacles. I have moved it away from all possible corals that could be stinging it, and everythig else looks pretty good.

It isn't losing tissue, so i'm not really sure what is up with it.

Also one colony of zoos decided to disintegrate on me this last week that seems to have no explanation.

If anyone has seen anything like this please let me know.

Thanks, B


Well-Known Member
The fungia is probably fine, who knows. However, I do know that if they are dying, then many times they will drop off a dozen or so baby fungias, so it might not be such a bad thing...

I am having a similar problem with my zoanthids, still have not found a cause...

Take er easy
Scott T.



Do you have any other 'softies' that are in the water flow 'up stream' from the fungia? It might be a chemical thingy or it might be a reaction from the Zoos dying. In either case time will tell. Some times my [first] fungia will look like what you are describing even though the other three are doing just fine next to it. If it is not loosing any tissue, then just wait it out.

I would mention that if it does seem to 'die' it might not be dead. A. Calfo said in his book that sometimes fungia will receed totally and look dead then months later be back as if nothing had happened. Wierd huh? So this might be the same as mine does 'looks silly' for a few days and then recovers.

I gave up worring about the day to day 'look' of my corals, it's the week by week 'look' I worry about, except xenia, that can die in hours, HA!

Not saying you are in this group, but I find the posts where someone is crying about an 'odd day' look to their corals and are in a panic wanting an explaination RIGHT NOW. I was like that at the start, and some did die, but that was because I was [stupid] new and also that some corals just don't have a chance because they were dammaged BEFORE I got them and I just didn't know better. Well I'm taking a bit more of a casual attitude now. Bubble coral was my 'change point'. I know that many think that corals are suppose to look the same ALL THE TIME and I have come to the realization that day to day events in the tank that I have no knowledge of can effect some corals and make them look 'odd' then the next day they look just fine.

In my 29 no light tank, I have 2 chilli sponge corals, some time they are both fully extended, some days only one is, some times they are both looking like they are going to die, and then an hour they are beautiful again, I give up!

They are strange animals with strange ways, give them time, maybe they are just in a 'snit', HA!

Keep us informed please.



Well-Known Member
You don't have any clownfish do ya? Sometimes at my old shop I would plop a fingia or heliofingia in too close to the clown fish's home cave and they would try to host in it and piss it off in the process.
I would just leave it alone otherwise, they are hardy, but don't like getting handled to much since they can have their tissue damaged fairly easily.
I can't comment on zoo's, I've don't have much experience keeping them. I think they are suceptible to a white fungus type disease and also certain camoflauged nudi's can decimate them.


Well-Known Member
FWIW, I think I found my cause to the zoanthids. I checked my tank at night for a couple of weeks with no success. Just after posting to this thread, I pulled out a zoanthid rock of mine, looked down in one of the crevaces, and found two sundial snails. All I could say was "duh..."

I hope they don't have prolific reproduction rates, no telling how long they were in my tank...

Take er easy
Scott T.


Mike, I have added a new shrimp that seems to be wandering around a lot on top of many of the corals. This could be part of the problem I guess. My clown hosts around the frogspawn (and gets stung a lot, not a quick learner) and tends to ignore the other corals.

Hmmm...I guess I will just keep looking for possible irritants.

Thanks all!