Frozen Tanks


Well, I thought I had found a place to store my extra tanks for the winter... On the deck in the shade on their sides... This way they would be out of the way, they would be out of the sun, and out of most of the elements.

Well, I went to move the 75 gal tank that I had sold, and both the top and bottom plastic support had cracked. So I started checking my other tanks this morning. I lost a 55, a 20 tall, and a 29 as well.

I guess they did not like the extreme cold we had last weekend. Crap, my stupidity I guess, but I would not have thought that they would crack the plastic. The glass seems to be fine.

Oh well.


Well-Known Member
You can get a LFS to order them for you, then silicon them back in, good to go...

It is just a PITA...

Take er easy
Scott t.


Well-Known Member
go to you LFS,,they can order the plastic and you can replace it,,,water test them and your in business again.


I wonder if I can get a discount for being stupid? lol

I guess I need like 6 supports or so. :-(


Well-Known Member
Icebox said:
I wonder if I can get a discount for being stupid? lol

I guess I need like 6 supports or so. :-(

Actually, it never hurts to ask politely for a discount, especially if you are going to buy a lot of something. The worst the store can do is say no, and if you are a regular customer with a problem like this, then may even want to help you out.

After all, if you fix all those tanks, you are going to want to set them all up, and that means a lot more sales.(smile)


Active Member
With a name like Icebox... :D

Seriously though, that's a bummer. Hopefully things will work out.


Well-Known Member
Replacing the trim sucks, but I've done it a few times beofore. I've actually picked up and sold a few "broken" tanks that way.
I recomend just breaking the rest of the trim off. Find a nice sized sturdy paint scrapper and use it to pry off what you can (don't use a flat head screw driver trust me :D)
If you have stuborn peices just pull out the hair dryer and heat it up, seems to loosen it up good. then clean up with acohol, let it dry good, apply a bead of silicone (I apply it under the plastic trim, to minimize smearing) and then push the trim back on, use a rubber hammer or book to make sure it gets all the way on there, then put the tank on a level surface on top of the newly siliconed trim peice and place a few books, rocks whatever in there while it cures for a day or two.
Good time to resilicone any frayed seams also. A tube of silcone will go a long way if applied cleanly the first time through.



mps9506 said:
Replacing the trim sucks
You can say that again!
I just had to take the top frame on a 75gal tank off because I'm replacing the side glass! I ended up having to use a small hand saw & cut it at various places to get it all off.