Freshwater Skimmer???

Hey everyone... I wanted to know if anyone out there has ever tried using a skimmer on a freshwater setup? Would it work the same or does the salinity affect the foaming fractionation.

I suppose the I could just try it out, but I had wondered if anyone has had some success with it. Since I've upgraded my reef skimmer to a "Euro-reef" RS-135, I have several others lying around looking for a home. Each of them functional, but no where near as consistant as the ER skimmer.

Anyways, just a thought... Please let me know if you have any input on my idea. Thnks..


Well-Known Member
Do some research on the history of skimmers. However the short answer is no they don't work on freshwater tanks thus the reason you don't see them on anyones freshwater tank!

They were originally created for outdoor ponds but it was found they are a lot more effective with saltwater because the surface tension of saltwater is less then that of freshwater allowing for much smaller bubbles to be formed which is essential for the efficiency of the skimmer.


Well-Known Member
actually,,,ive done it. :) but!!!!

it was on a 500gallon cold water goldfish system. it was way overstocked with feeders, appx 2500, as well as fancy goldfish. with that much slime,,you can skim. the skimmer was 10ft tall pushed by dual Iwaki's with 3/4" venturi's.