Fragging Hairy Leather Coral


New Member
Good Morning,
Just wanted to know how to frag hairy leather coral? I got one doing real well...thanks
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Do you know the specific name of the coral you're wanting to frag?

You'll need to know this anyway in order to be able to correctly sell frags to the LFS or other reefers.


New Member
I got this from the same lfs that i am fragging for.......they just sold it to me has just a hairy leather coral. I will try and get a pic up of it....thanks


Most "Leathers" are fairly soft and easy to work with. The problem with fragging softies is that they are sometimes difficult to "force" them to attach. Super Glue Gel is only margionally effective because the coral will "slime" off the glued surface and float away.

Leathers I usually cut a good portion (they shrink greatly as you handle and cut them so keep this in mind when selecting which portion you're going to cut) and then do an Iodine Dip (I dip any coral I cut, frag, handle). Then after the dip I will use a sharp toothpick and go through the bottom portion of the coral. Not too close to the end or it will tear loose. The toothpich is my "anchor point" to use gentle rubberbands or fishing line to tie the coral to a piece of rock rubble. After a few weeks the coral will have attached itself to the rubble and you can gently remove the toothpick with a pulling and twisting motion of the toothpick.

There are other ways to "secure" softies to rubble but this method has worked well for me over the years. A little trial and error and you'll get a feel for it.