Fish compatibility

Would it be possible to keep a sailfin tang and a copper banded butterfly in the same tank.
I tried it once before but it was immediately killed by the sailfin.But it doesn't bother my other fish that were before him.
Here's my plan ,Please tell me weather it would be safe to proceed or should I abort?
In two weeks I'm getting a new tank and moving everything but the sandbed over to the new one.After I cycle it .I'll move all my stuff but the fish over.Then I'm planning on putting the butterfly in .All the rockwork will be different with black sand instead of white.Then after a few days I'll put the rest in including the tang wich will go in dead last.

My buddy is telling me I'd have a better chance trading the tang in for a smaller one and putting them in at the same time,But...This fish is my most favorate fish of all times ,It recognizes me and gets all excited when I approach the tank,It likes to eat form my hand and rub it's nose on my changes colors and swims all over the tank when it sees me.At no time does it act out aggression twords any other tank mates,Him and my bagjji hang out side by side most of the time.Just anything I put in it becomes really aggressive.Like call of the wild aggressive.

I know I'm probably just looking for the answer I want other then what's right..I think I'm just looking for conformation.

These are what it's living with now
bangijj cardinal
blue spot goby
possum wrasse
perc clown
And planning these
female mandiran [this summer after I get my pods back up]
another bangijj
and a goby for my pistol shrimp.
My parameters are "rock solid"And I have the equipment to handle a heavy load.


Well-Known Member
What size tank are you switching to? I'd say it's hit or miss tangs can be mean when they get bigger


Wannabe Guru
The CBB is a delicate fish and most that are captured with cyanide so I would advise against adding one especially if you have an aggressive Tang.

If your able to find a healthy CBB that is eating well at the LFS then the only way I see this working is if you add the CBB as the first fish and let him get comfortable for a couple of weeks before introducing the Tang, it might work.
I'm switching to a 150gal.And the tang is quite large maybe 6" long.The lfs I go to is holding a cbb for me ,It's paid for so it can stay indefinetly in his back room qt tanks.He's already had it for 2 weeks for me.
I really love my lfs he's a great guy to deal with and put up with a lot from
BTW he told me it looked grim for me and was kinda upset about the last one.Said if it did'nt work out this time he would'nt sell me another..

The sailfin is only aggresive to any new fish I put in.Does'nt bother anyone else in the tank.
i had a sailfin just added the CBB and my sailfin is acting really aggressive towards it, i'm taking it back to the lfs store tomorrow